


There is a calculus pre-requisite to be completed before taking either intermediate theory course and econometrics. 下面的列表可以作为参考. 如果您有任何问题,请联系经济学学术顾问或 本科教务主任.

  • 一个学期(数学1102[首选],数学1100或先修课程) 
  • It is recommended that those who are less comfortable with the math also take ECON 2211 Math for Economic Analysis prior to or concurrent with ECON 2201.

The AB Calculus version of Advanced Placement will be accepted as one semester of calculus and the BC Calculus version will be accepted as two semesters of calculus. 有其他形式的大学先修课程的学生(例如.g.,国际文凭)应咨询 本科教务主任.

Students considering graduate work in economics or related disciplines should take additional mathematics courses, 大致相当于辅修数学.

经济学专业应该是结构化的. 学生应先修ECON 1101,再修统计学以外的经济学课程.

除了ECON 2211, 在开始选修课程之前,学生应完成至少一门中级理论课程, although we recognize that those who start the major late may not have time to follow this sequence precisely. Students who need to take an elective before completing an Intermediate Theory course should register for a 2000-level elective that has only Principles as a prerequisite. 有时也是可能的, 得到了教授的许可, 选修3000级的选修课,同时选修中级理论课程.

经济学选修课以两种形式教授:传统的讲座形式, 注册人数可达50人, 和一个更小的写作密集型格式, 根据写作部分的大小,电子游戏软件人数上限为20至25人. Students are urged to take advantage of the writing-intensive courses and to check with the Department before the registration period to learn which courses will be offered in which format.


  1. 任何由经济学提供的BC课程,或与经济学交叉列出的课程,包含前缀ECON. 这些课程可以在学年或夏季进行.
  2. BC省以外的课程(包括海外学习)也可以计算在内,但有限制:
    • The number of non-BC courses is limited to two (three if you are studying abroad for a whole year).
    • 非bc课程仅限于入门课程或选修课.
    • 你不能在BC以外的地方学习统计学、微观/宏观理论课程或计量经济学.
    • 任何BC以外的课程都必须得到经济系的批准.

有关留学课程,请浏览 留学页面.

Transfer students who have taken economics courses at their previous school should meet with the 本科教务主任 to discuss their individual situations. 在一般情况下, if a student has taken Principles of Microeconomics course OR a Principles of 宏观经济学 course, it will count as one course towards the Social Science Core requirement but it will not count towards the major. 你需要学习经济学原理(1101年经济学). 然而, 如果学生同时修了微观和宏观原理课程, 他们通常会获得ECON 1101学分, 满足专业的一门课程. 如果学生只修了一门经济学原理课程, 它结合了微观经济和宏观经济因素, 这将被普遍接受为相当于ECON 1101.

本系承认基于AP的先修课程, IB, 或类似的微观经济学原理和宏观经济学原理的课程. Please consult the University's Core Curriculum website for information on policies and qualifying scores. 每一门课程都是社会科学核心课程的必修课程.

Students who have earned advanced placement in both Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of 宏观经济学 are not required to take 经济学原理(1101年经济学). 然而, they are still required to complete eleven courses for the major by taking additional elective courses.

The requirements for students who double major in 经济学 and another Arts and Sciences major are the same as for the major.


这门课, 哪一门是大学社会科学核心必修课, 这是本专业的入门课程吗.

这门课程是相当规范的. 所有的教师都使用市场上比较分析的教材之一. 各个部分的难度和覆盖范围都非常相似. 课程以测试和问题集为导向. 学生可以期待一到两次期中考试和一次综合期末考试.

原理课程没有特定的先决条件, but all Principles instructors assume that students  are able to read graphs and understand the fundamentals of high school algebra and geometry, 特别是直线的代数. Students lacking these fundamentals should take a remedial mathematics course prior to registering for Principles.


所有专业都要求修一学期的统计学课程(1151年经济学). 统计学是一门4学分的课程. 它涵盖了概率论, 随机变量, 抽样, 估计, 假设检验, 并介绍了回归分析. 所有主修或副修统计学的学生都可以获得经济学学分 必须 参加BC省经济系的课程. 转学学生可以使用以前的课程,如果认为是等效的. SOM经济学专业的学生应该参加卡罗尔学院提供的统计学课程.

所有专业都需要一学期的计量经济学方法课程(2228年经济学). 本课程是一个学期的回归分析课程,两个学期都开设. 这是经济学专业的统计学必修课. 这是一门四学分的课程,侧重于经济学家如何分析数据来检验各种理论. All students taking 计量经济学 (2228年经济学) for credit toward the major 必须 参加BC省经济系的课程. 一个学期的微积分和统计学是econ2228课程的先决条件.

这门课应该在大二结束前修完. 晚入读该专业的学生必须在大三尽早完成该课程. ECON 2228是越来越多的选修课的严格先决条件, 如金融计量经济学(ECON 3327), 发展中国家的影响评价(ECON 3373), 应用卫生经济学(ECON 3390)等.


微观与宏观理论是所有专业必修的一学期课程, 未成年人, 和CSOM浓缩器. 这两门理论课程都必须在BC省经济系学习. 每学期都有几节课,可以按两种顺序进行. 如上所述,有一个学期的微积分的先决条件.

经济学 majors should complete both intermediate theory courses by the end of their sophomore year. 主修较晚的学生必须在大三尽早完成这个课程. 未成年人必须在大三结束前完成其中一门课程. 本政策的例外情况可由本科学习主任批准.

All Theory sections are test and problem-set oriented with one or two mid-term exams and a comprehensive final. 文本的选择取决于个别教授.